I had a great time at the 2008
NAO. It was a chance to meet old friends and make new ones. It was also a chance to see if my #3 seed status in the
U1900 section was justified.
Take 1
I arrived for the first round late
because of a flight delay, and also with very little sleep the two
previous nights. Despite these
handicaps I managed to get the following position as White.

In bad time trouble I played Rg1?! , instead the obvious f4 was much better. I managed to lose this game.
Take 2
I decided to re-enter with a bye for the first round, and scored 4.5/5.0 in rounds 2-6
My best game was in round five where I played Bg6 as White in the following position against Daniel Pecherski . After ...f6, Nf7+ Rxf7, Bxf7 Qxf7, Rd8+ Bf8, Bxb8 Black is paralyzed.
I found Re2 as Black in round four vs Roland Zhu in bad time trouble (Thanks CTS)

Round 7
Win = $2500.00
My last round
opponent was
Michael G Da-cruz from California. He has been rated as high as
2048 in the past.
I had the opportunity to see some of his games since he was sitting next to me in several previous rounds. He was winning most of his games very easily in tactic heavy
In fact we became friends and he helped me
analyze a couple of my games.
He was the only opponent I did not want to face in round 7. When we were paired in the last round I was already at a psychological disadvantage.
I then got the following position as White and was sure that Black had to repeat moves. I was happy with a draw, but he was not!

Instead of playing the expected
...Rb8 (3-fold
repetition draw), he played
...cxd!? My best move after that is to take the rook and play
Ke2 after the Bishop check, but I played
He won around
$2500.00, and me
$75.00! Michael did bye me dinner after the game though!
Old guy 4, young guys 0As an adult player I am envious of the young guys, they mostly:
- have more time to study
- improve faster
- have experienced coaches
- don't have to worry about finances etc.
In this tournament I am happy to report that I won all four games against younger opponents.