Tuesday, September 23, 2008


There have been several times in the past when I was close enough to 1900 where a decent performance would have put me over. But each time I underperformed to fall further behind(Madison, Neenah, Rockford, Kansas City, Grand Rapids).

I am at that point again(1883). Since I plan to play in the u1900 section at the Kings Island Open, Nov. 14-16, I decided to wait till the cut-off for the November supplement(Oct 3), before I play again. (Just in case I cross over!)

I know, I know....ratings don't mean much, what really matters is playing good moves.

I have been re-reading Jeramy Silman's How to Reassess Your Chess . I am getting much more out of it this time around.

I have also been working on tactics(Understanding Chess Tactics, CTS) and openings.

My next week-end tournament will be the Hales Corners Challenge VIII . (Oct. 4)

And then the WI Veteran's Tournament (Nov. 8, 9)

I also plan to play in a couple of one game a week events at the SWCC & WCC
4 Round Swiss G/100 (Sep. 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16)
Double RR Quads G/90 (Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26 Dec. 3, 10)


  1. Dont focus so much on that rating, it will only give you extra stress. I know from experience, since 2000 is my bad mistress. Flirting doesn't work. Just relax and have fun while playing chess while not even thinking of crossing the border can do the trick more easily.

    Good luck in the weekend tournament!

  2. I look forward to hearing a tale of victory once the tourny is over! You will knock the 1900 monkey off your back for good!

    Best of luck at the tournaments!

  3. Ivan,

    reading Nimzowitschs "My System" (I recommend the 21st Century edition edited by Lou Hays) together with Watsons "Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy" will add 100-200 rating points.
    I promise!


  4. Looks like you will get past the 1900 monkey soon.

    "How to Reassess Your Chess" is a great book to re-read.

    It is my favorite book. It helped me get over 2000.

    Chess Guy

  5. At your "borderline" rating, I wonder whether it's better to be in the U1900 or play up.

    If you're in the U1900, you'll almost certainly need to do well most matches to prevent losing ground. Playing up, it's hard to losing many rating points, and even one or two good games works wonders.

    In any case, good luck.

  6. Willing the cash is never bad.... but who ever plays for money?

  7. Those magical 00 numbers that we strive for. It seems like just when I cross the 1750 barrier and I'm closer to 1800 then my floor of 1700, then something bad happens. But I remember the 1900 creep. I get to 1880 and drop, 1883 and drop. Then it just happened.

    I presume in Kings Island you're going for the money. Otherwise I'd say play up and make sure you're on top of your game. A decent showing playing up can do wonders for the rating.
